Wednesday, January 27, 2010

New Career!!!

I always said I would never get married and now Will and I are coming up on our five year wedding anniversary. I always said I would never have kids and now our family just celebrated Williams first birthday!!! I never wanted to be a stay at home mom until now. My last day of work was friday, january 22nd!!! WWWOOOOHHHHHOOOOO!!!!! Dont get me wrong, I love what I do and i will miss it! Most of all i will miss working with my adopted dad, Dave Badger! We had so much fun together telling jokes and playing pranks on eachother!!! I have the worlds coolest son and I love spending every minute with him! The past few days have been so much fun! We wrestle, play with his toys, go for walks and my personal favorite snuggling!! Some day I will start working on my other homemaking skills but for now I am just enjoying the amazing sweet spirit of my son!!!!

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