Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Sex Party

Yep, that's what I said Sex Party!!! We decided to have a surprise party to find out the "Sex" of our baby. We BBQed at the park and for dessert we had a cake made that was chocolate on the outside and either pink or blue depending on the sex of the baby on the inside! the ultra sound tech wrote the sex on a card and sealed the envelope. We took the envelope directly to the baker, so even we had no idea until we cut the cake!!! When people arrived we had them guess weather they thought it was a boy or a girl and then gave them either a tiara or a mustache to ware! It was so much fun to be together with everyone!!!

1 comment:

  1. Such a clever idea! I'm sad we missed it. Although, I don't think Jason could have guessed a girl, unless you had super glue to keep the crown on his head....
